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Birthday Soup

Hardback Book  |  Childrens Fiction Books  |  03 Dec 2024
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A debut picture book that celebrates birthdays, family, and a time-honored Korean tradition, featuring art by New York Times bestselling illustrator Jaime Kim and a recipe from renowned chef and TV personality David Chang.

Maia wakes up on her birthday to a delicious smell brewing in the kitchen. Her family is making Miyeok guk, one of her favorite foods! miyeok guk is seaweed soup that new moms eat after giving birth to help replenish nutrients, and many Koreans eat this same soup on their birthdays to honor their mothers, who gave life to them. This year, Maia gets to help prepare Birthday Soup by chopping ingredients, drying the seaweed, and then adding everything to the sizzling pot.

Maia wants to share the miyeok guk that she made with all of her friends at her birthday party later in the day, but wonders if they'd rather have pizza and cupcakes instead. With a little encouragement from her umma, Maia blends the two cultures that she's a part of to create a new birthday tradition.

Debut author Grace Chang and New York Times bestselling illustrator Jaime Kim team up to create a beautiful and vibrant story about how food and family recipes can connect us to our ancestral cultures, as well as ourselves. Birthday Soup includes a recipe for miyeok guk from Grace's husband, renownedrestaurateur, chef,and television personality David Chang.

Title: Birthday Soup

Format: Hardback Book

Release Date: 03 Dec 2024

Type: Grace Chang

Sku: 3111482

Catalogue No: 9780593621615

Category: Childrens Fiction Books

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