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A Really Short History of Words: An illustrated edition of the bestselling book about the English la

Hardback Book  |  Childrens Fiction Books  |  15 Oct 2024
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Every day, you do something incredible, and I bet you barely ever think about it: you speak.

Ever wondered why the English language turned out how it did?

Why do we have so many different words for just one thing?

And why are so many words spelt the same but sound different?

In this beautifully illustrated journey through word and ryhme - and even a few jokes - Bill Bryson will teach you how the English language came to be (clue: lots of invasions) and what makes it a rich and beautiful thing (lots of Shakespeare).

Get ready . . . because the story of the English languge is an EXTRAORIDNARY one.

Title: A Really Short History of Words: An illustrated edition of the bestselling book about the English la

Format: Hardback Book

Release Date: 15 Oct 2024

Type: Bill Bryson

Sku: 3111456

Catalogue No: 9780241666173

Category: Childrens Fiction Books

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