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Human Factors And Patient Safety

Paperback Book  |  Science  |  05 Aug 2024
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This book fulfils the need of doctors, medical students, and all healthcare personnel for information that addresses fundamental patient safety concepts that are not usually covered in conventional medical curricula. There are three valuable features. Firstly, the content encompasses the main areas of human factors and patient safety in short and easily accessible language supplemented by anecdotes from safety-critical industries such as aviation and nuclear power.

Secondly, each chapter highlights the problems of human error and provides solutions that help to reduce the risks to patients. Finally, the coverage highlights the important role the public should play in protecting their own safety when in contact with healthcare systems.

Title: Human Factors And Patient Safety

Format: Paperback Book

Release Date: 05 Aug 2024

Type: Ibrahim Imam

Sku: 3046577

Catalogue No: 9781032796697

Category: Science

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