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Problem With Change, The: The Essential Nature of Human Performance

Paperback Book  |  Business Leadership & Management  |  07 May 2024
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Change and innovation are the cornerstones of dynamic and modern business.

Or so we are told.

Whether it’s a merger or re-org; a new process, policy, or IT "solution"; or reconfiguring the office layout, change has become the ultimate easy button for leaders, who pursue it with abandon and thereby unleash an endless torrent of disruption on employees. The result is life in the blender: a perpetual state of upheaval, uncertainty, and unease.

Yes, companies need to grow, innovate, and adapt to changing needs. But stressed-out employees rarely go the extra mile, chaos rarely produces agility or speed, and it’s hard innovate or grow while bleeding talent to turnover and quiet quitting. This is how change stymies the very progress that it seeks.

Drawing on decades spent leading HR operations at Deloitte and Cisco, Ashley Goodall explores the essential nature of human performance and offers a radical new alternative to the constant turbulence that defines corporate life. By prioritizing team cohesion (instead of reshuffling teams at will), by communicating in real words (rather than corporate speak), by striving for predictability (instead of charisma), by honoring shared rituals (instead of corporately-mandated bonding), by fixing only the things that are truly broken (instead of moving fast and breaking everything in sight) and more, leaders at every level can create environments that allow people to do the best work of their lives.

Title: Problem With Change, The: The Essential Nature of Human Performance

Format: Paperback Book

Release Date: 07 May 2024

Type: Ashley Goodall

Sku: 3027019

Catalogue No: 9781529146455

Category: Business Leadership & Management

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