Australian Aboriginal, Japanese, Celtic, Israeli, Native American, and other spiritual leaders from around the world share their stories of extraterrestrial contact and the Star Ancestor prophecies. * Discusses the relevance of the earth-change prophecies given by ancient Star Ancestors. * Shows the connection between extraterrestrials and renowned healers and teachers from around the world.* Contains 70 illustrations by prominent artists.At the dawn of a new millennium we are rapidly approaching environmental and social crises on a massive global scale. Cries have risen from every corner of the world to challenge the ravaging of Earth and many of her peoples. In Legends of the Star Ancestors traditional wisdomkeepers from diverse cultures share their insights into how Earth's current crisis is part of a larger cosmic plan for the planet's transition into an enlightened age, as prophesized by the Star Ancestors. Furthermore, the star beings that once seeded the Earth remain with us today in order to assist and guide us through this time of transformation. Healers and teachers from Native American, Israeli, Tibetan, Aboriginal, Islamic, Japanese, and Celtic descent share their knowledge of the role Star Ancestors had within their respective traditions and how it shaped a larger global vision of Earth's future. From contributors as varied as Rabbi Ohad Ezrah to Australian aborigine Jingalu of the Yeagle tribe, we further learn of how star beings continue to make appearances on Earth today through UFOs, dreamtime, and physical encounters.
Title: Legends of the Star Ancestors
Format: Paperback Book
Release Date: 08 Jan 2004
Type: Nancy Red Star
Sku: 2935792
Catalogue No: 9781879181793
Category: Society & Culture