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Little Red and the Big Bad Editor

Hardback Book  |  Early Childhood Fiction Books  |  21 Dec 2022
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In this clever and playful fractured fairy tale picture book, the Big Bad Wolf is so distracted by Little Red's poorly written thank you note to her grandmother that he keeps missing the chance to eat her!Once upon a time, Little Red received a bold new cape from her Granny. She wrote her a thank you note, packed a basket of goodies, and walked through the meadow to Granny's house. But swish swash SWOOP, the big bad wolf stops her in her tracks, opens his mouth wide, leans in close and... Sees the note. Mr. Wolf can't believe how sloppy the letter is—Red can't give this to Granny! He corrects her grammar but misses out on his dinner while he's distracted each time he encounters Red on the path. Can she keep outsmarting the Big Bad Editor and make it all the way to Granny's house?

Title: Little Red and the Big Bad Editor

Format: Hardback Book

Release Date: 21 Dec 2022

Type: Rebecca Rector Kraft

Sku: 2935789

Catalogue No: 9781534469297

Category: Early Childhood Fiction Books

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