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The Little Stick Figures Technique for Emotional Self-Healing

Paperback Book  |  Self Help & Personal Development  |  14 Dec 2022
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* Explains the 7 simple steps of the Little Stick Figures Technique and how to achieve maximum results and lasting changes * Provides more than 150 examples of successful uses of this method, including how to improve relationships, how to attract your soulmate and abundance, how to resolve problems at work, and how to detach from a toxic situation * Details a general cleansing and rebalancing protocol for your conscious and unconscious programming ARE YOU LOOKING TO DETACH from an unhealthy situation or a person in your life and regain inner freedom with unconditional love? This easy energetic cord-cutting tool serves to free yourself from dependencies, fears, and your conscious and unconscious attachments. Created by therapist Jacques Martel in 1993, the Little Stick Figures Technique moves beyond mere visualization to a physical practice, easily applied in 7 steps. It draws its effectiveness from the power of the conscious as well as the subconscious, helping you to set intentions for truly lasting change and letting go. More than 150 examples show how to successfully apply this method, whether you want to improve relationships with a partner or an ex-partner, disengage from family entanglements, attract your soulmate and abundance, resolve problems at work, or detach from a toxic situation and start the process of emotional self-healing. This regular cleansing and rebalancing protocol for your conscious and unconscious inner programs helps harmonize your relationships and supports you to be more centered, calm, and in control of your life.

Title: The Little Stick Figures Technique for Emotional Self-Healing

Format: Paperback Book

Release Date: 14 Dec 2022

Type: Lucie Bernier

Sku: 2930804

Catalogue No: 9781644115213

Category: Self Help & Personal Development

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