Adopted by Gwenpool during her time on the West Coast Avengers, Marvel's Jeff the Baby Land Shark was found living in a secret lair filled with land sharks. Unfortunately, when Gwenpool's comic was canceled, she brought Jeff to live with her friend Deadpool where the two became fast friends. Our 7.5-inch long Jeff the Baby Land Shark Qreature features a gray-blue body, which includes his fins, short little legs, and a grin full of sharp teeth. Like all of our Qreatures, Jeff the Baby Land Shark is a sculptural, stylized plush. He’s stitched with great precision using top-quality materials and designed to hold his shape even when biting bad guys.
Title: Marvel Comics - Jeff the Baby Land Shark Qreature Plush
Format: Toy
Release Date: 31 Oct 2022
Type: Plush: Marvel Comics
Sku: 2677231
Catalogue No: QMXMVL-0305
Category: Plush Toys
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