Bluey follows the adventures of a lovable and inexhaustible six-year-old Blue Heeler puppy who lives with her dad, mum and four-year-old little sister, Bingo. In every episode, Bluey uses her limitless Blue Heeler energy to play elaborate games that unfold in unpredictable and hilarious ways.
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Format: DVD
Release Date: 10 Nov 2021
Actor(s): David McCormack, Melanie Zanetti
Sku: 2651153
Catalogue No: DPA2629
Category: ABC
Disc Count: 3
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
OFLC Rating: G
Run Time: 189
Transfer Format: 16:9 Enhanced, Widescreen
Video Format: PAL
Primary Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1
Language: English, Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: English for the Hearing Impaired
Region Code: 4
OFLC Advice: Coarse Language, Very Mild Crude Humour
Production Studio: BBC
Dubbed Languages: BBC
Director(s): Joe Brumm
Genre: Children & Family, Animated, Animation, Childrens
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