'Heather's songs capture moments, impressions, feelings, and thoughts in a way that connects with the listener, a lyrical wave that can carry one to shore with a solid conclusion, or go way out into the ocean, searching for an answer, insight, or direction.' -Lilli Kuzma, WDCB (Glen Ellyn/Chicago) 1. My Father's Daughter - guitar, upright bass, dobro, brushes on snare. On wanderlust, genetics, and the temptation to just keep driving. 2. Contented - mellow/sparse guitar, cello. Haunting vocals with the trad. Feel of an Irish air or Appalachia lullaby. A city dweller longs for open space in the hopes of finding contentment. 3. Tightrope Walker - guitar, upright bass, brushes on snare. Uptempo. Many of us walk the tightrope in the act of performance, in seeking balance, in pursuing an art form purely for the love of it. 4. Lucy and Sarah - guitar, violin, accordion. The all-to-common story of one woman's struggle through depression, as narrated by her neighbor Sarah, who recognizes the need to reach out a hand. 5. Dragon Kite - guitar, upright bass, violin, snare with brushes. A thoughtful waltz about lessons learned from loved ones: whether waiting for a kite to fly or a fruit tree to grow, the moment we let go, everything comes to fruition. 6. Atlantis - piano, accordion. The story of a small town going under economically, it's former glory fading like the mythical lost city of Atlantis. 7. Coldwater River - guitar, cello, dobro. A meditation on the nature of memory; the current of the river stirs up recollections and the water washes them away. 8. Glory Hallelu - guitar. A love story sung much less frequently than the ubiquitous breakup song: how ongoing relationships require mending, again and again. 9. Andromeda - guitar, cello. In the Greek myth of Andromeda and Cassiopeia, Andromeda is central to the story but never personally takes any action. Questions of fate and control are posed in this narrative about childhood memories of a cottage on the lake. 10. Everywhere the Longing - piano, cello. A journey across the world leads to the realization that our desires as well as life's impermanence follow us wherever we may travel. 11. Wind Oh Wind - a cappella with percussion. The wind is personified as a Pied Piper-like figure in this soulful, jazz-tinged love song for the wind. 12. Last Train Home - guitar, upright bass, dobro. An evocative melody and fresh images feature prominently in this relatable song about a relationship's collapse. 13. Crosswords - piano, accordion. A waitress in a cafe finds herself disconnected from everything, and seeks to regain a sense of humanity and compassion through small moments without the cafe's patrons. 14. Sparrow Can Learn - piano. A stripped down, gospel-infused proclamation that there is room for improvement and adaptation on every step of our journey.
Title: Lifeboats for Atlantis
Format: CD
Release Date: 04 Oct 2011
Artist: Heather Styka
Sku: 2587795
Catalogue No: CDB5637813842.2
Category: Pop