The complete second series featuring David Tennant as the tenth regenerated' Doctor Who. The series starts with 'The Christmas Invasion where Christmas trees and seasonal Santa Claus impersonators begin wreaking havoc on the residents of London. Meanwhile the TARDIS lands on Earth with a new Doctor aboard. The Doctor is not yet fully recovered from regeneration. An invasion of the planet threatens mankind and there's only the Prime Minister to battle it out.
Title: Doctor Who - Series 2 Boxset
Format: DVD
Release Date: No release date
Actor(s): David Tennant, Billie Piper, Camille Coduri, Noel Clarke, Penelope Wilton, Daniel Evans, Zoe Wanamaker
Sku: 2465444
Catalogue No: DPA0489
Category: Sci-Fi
Disc Count: 6
OFLC Rating: TBA
Run Time: 1130
Transfer Format: 16:9 Enhanced, Widescreen
Video Format: PAL
Primary Audio: Dolby Digital
Language: English, Dolby Digital
Region Code: 4
OFLC Advice: To Be Confirmed
Production Studio: BBC
Dubbed Languages: BBC
Director(s): James Hawes
Genre: Horror/Sci-Fi,
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