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Steve Parish First Facts Story Book: Reptiles

Paperback Book  |  Children  |  30 May 2017
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Popular children's author, Rebecca Johnson, has written these charming, colourful books for 3-6 year olds.

Young minds are always inqui ring and sometimes it can be difficult to provide the right answers. Wit h the First Facts series, questions are encouraged and ans wers are provided, supplying the information kids want to know about som e of their favourite animals.

Each page contains interesting f acts presented in simple and engaging formats to help children understan d basic scientific concepts about the world around them.
We also ha ve free downloadable worksheets for this title! To download these fun wo rksheets, just click here!

Title: Steve Parish First Facts Story Book: Reptiles

Format: Paperback Book

Release Date: 30 May 2017

Type: Steve Parish

Sku: 2442346

Catalogue No: 9781925425857

Category: Children

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