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ABC DC - A Rock And Roll Inspired Alphabet Book

Hardback Book  |  Children  |  01 Jun 2018
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ABC DC - A Rock And Roll Inspired Alphabet Book/Product Detail/Children

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Now you know your ABC's next time won't you rock with me!

This Rock & Roll inspired alphabet book is designed to pump up your child’s ABC game. Let AB/DC, Elvis, Foo Fighters, Stevie Nicks, Tina Turner and more, teach your little homie their ABCs. Relive some of the greatest Rock & Roll bands of all time, while teaching your children the loudest alphabet.

Help your kid stay on top of their ABC game before they even start school. While exploring this book, they’ll go on a learning adventure, getting an early start on recognizing letters. Each double page spread features a letter and an artist with plenty of tongue in cheek references which moms and dads will surely get the giggles from. This book is a good time for both the the big and little rockstars in your house!

Any reference contained in this book to musical artists or their works does not constitute or imply the endorsement, recommendation or approval of those artists.

Title: ABC DC - A Rock And Roll Inspired Alphabet Book

Format: Hardback Book

Release Date: 01 Jun 2018

Type: Jessica Chiha

Sku: 2428451

Catalogue No: 9780648427902

Category: Children

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