Title: Jack Ryan - Shadow Recruit
Format: UHD
Release Date: 07 Nov 2018
Actor(s): Chris Pine, Keira Knightley, Kevin Costner, Kenneth Branagh, Lenn Kudrjawizki, Alec Utgoff, Peter Andersson, Elena Velikanova, Nonso Anozie, Seth Ayott, Colm Feore, Gemma Chan, Aleksandar Aleksiev, Andrew Byron, Derek Lea
Sku: 2395058
Catalogue No: BDUHDC0915
Category: Action
Disc Count: 2
Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1
OFLC Rating: M
Run Time: 106
Transfer Format: 16:9 Enhanced, Widescreen, 1080P HD, Full Height Anamorphic
Video Format: PAL
Primary Audio: DTS 7.1 HD
Language: English, DTS 7.1 HD, French, DTS 7.1 HD, German, DTS 7.1 HD, Italian, DTS 7.1 HD, Japanese, DTS 7.1 HD, Portuguese, DTS 7.1 HD, Russian, DTS 7.1 HD, Spanish, DTS 7.1 HD
Subtitles: English, English Audio Commentary
Region Code: B
OFLC Advice: Infrequent Coarse Language And Violence
Dubbed Languages: English, DTS 7.1 HD, French, DTS 7.1 HD, German, DTS 7.1 HD, Italian, DTS 7.1 HD, Japanese, DTS 7.1 HD, Portuguese, DTS 7.1 HD, Russian, DTS 7.1 HD, Spanish, DTS 7.1 HD
Director(s): Kenneth Branagh
Genre: Action/Adventure, Thriller
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