THE RED ROAD is a gripping, dramatic thriller that presents two distinct visions of America today as played out through the conflict between two wildly different men. The series revolves around a local sheriff struggling to keep his family together while simultaneously policing two clashing communities: the small town where he grew up, just outside of New York City, and the neighboring mountains – home of a federally unrecognized Native American tribe. After a terrible tragedy and cover-up further divides these worlds, an uneasy alliance is forged between the officer and a dangerous member of the tribe. As these two men find themselves increasingly compromised by one another, and the emotional ghosts of their collective pasts begin to emerge, the lives of both quickly unravel, leading to terrible consequences.
Title: Red Road - Season 1
Format: DVD
Release Date: 22 Apr 2015
Actor(s): Jason Momoa
Sku: 2294424
Catalogue No: 62217SDG
Category: Drama
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