1. The Macross Saga: A gigantic spaceship crash lands on Earth, foreshadowing the arrival of an alien armada bent on war and destruction. The world unites to unlock the secrets of its miraculous alien technology known as Robotech to defend the world against impending invasion. The challenges they would face would be greater than anyone could have imagined.
2. The Robotech Masters Saga: Following the annihilation of the Earth, the human survivors struggle to rebuild their once great planet, only to be faced with a new threat. The Robotech Masters arrive to complete the mission that the Zentraedi Armada began... to destroy anyone standing in the way of their reclamation of the coveted technology in their quest for universal domination!
3. The New Generation Saga: The Robotech Masters have been defeated, but the weakened Earth defences are no match for the Invid invasion. Scott Bernard, a lone survivor from the Robotech Expeditionary Force, must organize a rag-tag resistance group in a desperate attempt to liberate the Human Race from Alien occupation!
4. Love, Live Alive: The Robotech saga continues in this exciting new adventure and retrospective that blends new action-packed animation with the nostalgia of the original series that sparked the anime phenomenon around the world. Lieutenant "Lancer" Belmont, a veteran of the Robotech's New Generation, recounts his journey from before his first encounter with Scott Bernard to the aftermath following Admiral Rick Hunter's expedition to liberate the Earth from the mysterious Invid race. Join your favorite characters once again in this perfect companion to the hit animated film, Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles!
Title: Robotech - Complete Collection
Format: DVD
Release Date: 01 Aug 2013
Actor(s): Japanese Animation
Sku: 2228197
Catalogue No: BHE3985
Category: Anime
Disc Count: 18
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
OFLC Rating: PG
Run Time: 2760
Transfer Format: 4:3 Original Aspect Ratio
Video Format: PAL
Primary Audio: Dolby Digital
Region Code: 4
OFLC Advice: Mild Animated Violence
Dubbed Languages: English, Dolby Digital
Genre: Children & Family, Animated, Animation, Anime