Original soundtrack to the 2012 animated feature composed by John Powell. The film follows Ted, an idealistic young boy who lives in "Thneed-Ville", a city that, aside from the citizens, is completely artificial. He sets out to find the one thing that will win him the affection of Audrey, the girl of his dreams, who wishes to see a real tree. While attempting to find a seed, he discovers that their city has been closed off from the outside world, and meets the reclusive Once-ler, who recounts the story of how he met the Lorax, a grumpy yet charming creature who serves as guardian of the land. When the young businessman introduces a revolutionary invention from the native Truffula Tree's tufts, it tragically spirals into a mass overproduction leading to the depletion of the forest, and the creation and isolation of Ted's town. With the Once-ler's blessing, and the last Truffula Seed, Ted sets out to remind his town of the importance of nature.
Title: Dr Seuss - The Lorax
Format: CD
Release Date: 06 Mar 2012
Artist: Soundtrack
Sku: 2219362
Catalogue No: 3020671382
Category: Soundtrack
Disc Count: 1
1. Ted, Audrey and the Trees
2. Granny to the Edge
3. Wasteland
4. Truffula Valley Fantasy
5. Onceler & Lorax Meet
6. O Hare Warns Ted
7. The River Bed
8. Houseguests
9. Valley Exodus
10. The Last Seed
11. Thneedville Chase
12. At the Park
13. Funeral for a Tree
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