One of the most watched television shows of the 1990s, "Seinfeld" is a true-to-life comedy series that follows the events of a group of friends. The group consists of Jerry Seinfeld, a stand-up comedian who questions every bizarre tidbit about life; George Costanza, a hard-luck member of the New York Yankees organization; Elaine Benes, a flashy woman and book editor who is not afraid to speak her mind; and Cosmo Kramer, an extremely eccentric, lanky goofball. Another very notable member of the show is Newman, a chubby mailman, friend of Kramer, and, almost always, nemesis of Jerry. Other sources of comedy appear in the form of the parents of both Jerry and George.
Title: Seinfeld - Complete Collection
Format: DVD
Release Date: 05 Aug 2009
Actor(s): Jerry Seinfeld
Sku: 2208972
Catalogue No: DPB06878
Category: Comedy
Disc Count: 32
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