Set on the backdrop of a futuristic, space-inhabited human race where men and women are paired off as mortal enemies, Takeshi Mori's Vandread takes the idea of a gender war literally in this intense, humorous and wildly successful anime co-production from Gonzo / Media Factory. Hibiki Tokai, Duelo McFile and Bart Garsus are the only men left behind when their battleship is attacked and seized by a band of female pirates. Out of options and beaten into submission, they eventually unite with their occupiers upon learning of a serious threat to their respective home planets. But what is the threat, exactly? A sharp-focused, fast-paced, intriguing story that interplays with male and female relationships without eroding away its intensity via a tight script from Natsuko Takahashi (Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist), Vandread is a sci-fi / mecha anime series that stands the test of time. Highly intelligent action packed, sexy and hilarious.Synopsis - Vandread: 1st Stage (2000) Vandread: First Stage finds the all male planet of Taraak in the midst of their perpetual battle with the female inhabitants of Mejale.Synopsis - Vandread: 2nd Stage (2000) The space opera continues...the enemy's origins are revealed...the mission is clear.
Hibiki remains the centre of attention of the girls aboard the ship, but what to do about it, he knows not. His confusion intensifies upon the arrival of a new character Misty Cornwell, who brings with her a truth about the relationships of men and women which has since been forgotten in time.
Meanwhile, the shocking origin of their enemy becomes apparent and both men and women band together, determined to triumph against an force that is both their biggest threat and part of the key to their survival.
Taking a decidedly more serious and focused plot, Vandread: The Second Stage brings all the humour of Series One back down to Earth by focusing in on how their predicament came about, and what must be done about it.
Title: Vandread First And Second Stage Boxset
Format: DVD
Release Date: 31 May 2010
Actor(s): Japanese Animation
Sku: 2167416
Catalogue No: SVE0737
Category: Anime
Disc Count: 6
OFLC Rating: PG
Run Time: 600
Transfer Format: 16:9 Enhanced, Widescreen
Video Format: PAL
Primary Audio: Dolby Digital 2.0
Language: English, Dolby Digital 2.0, Japanese, Dolby Digital 2.0
Subtitles: English
Region Code: 4
OFLC Advice: Coarse Language, Mild Animated Violence, Sexual References
Dubbed Languages: English, Dolby Digital 2.0, Japanese, Dolby Digital 2.0
Director(s): Takeshi Mori
Genre: Action/Adventure,