Two beloved friends, Milly and Molly come to life in this new animated series that will stimulate, challenge and entertain children. Milly and Molly may look quite different, but they are the best of friends. Based on the international publishing hit, this charming new series follows the adventures of our two heroines and their friends in a small country town. Exciting, poignant and funny, Milly, Molly celebrates difference and promotes acceptance of diversity. Each episode has a subtle message about values such as honesty, persistence and responsibility, as well as showing life skills like dealing with bullying and forgiveness. Together Milly and Molly always manage to have fun as they face the world and its complexities.
Title: Milly, Molly - Animal Friends
Format: DVD
Release Date: 11 Jun 2008
Actor(s): Animated
Sku: 2109070
Catalogue No: 2659
Category: ABC
Disc Count: 1
OFLC Rating: G
Run Time: 90
Region Code: 4
OFLC Advice: General Exhibition
Genre: Children & Family, Animated
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