Land Before Time, The (1988) Embark on a journey into an enchanting prehistoric adventure with dinosaur pals Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, Ducky and Petrie in this acclaimed animated classic for the entire family. In a long-ago age of rumbling volcanoes and perilous earthquakes, a young bracheosaurus named Littlefoot suddenly finds himself on his own. Setting out to find the lush feeding grounds of the legendary Great Valley, he meets up with four other young dinosaurs who agree to join his quest. On their daring trek across a landscape filled with excitement and danger, the brave little band encounters hungry predators and daunting challenges as they discover new lessons in life and the importance of teamwork.Land Before Time II, The: The Great Valley Adventure (1994) In search of some adventure in their safe and peaceful valley, the five dinosaur friends make a hideaway. From there, they spot two thieves in action, stealing an egg from one of their broods. They chase them down and manage to recover the egg without its parents noticing, but in the process, accidentally create an opening into the valley, allowing two dreaded Sharptooths in. Everyone must fight them off together to preserve their peaceful way of life.Land Before Time III, The: The Time of The Great Giving (1995) A nearby meteorite crash blocks off the dinosaurs' water supply, starting an ecological chain-reaction that threatens life in the valley. All the dinosaurs, including a group of stupid bullies, must cooperate in an effort to free the blockage, which involves a risky venture outside the valley.Land Before Time IV, The: Journey Through the Mists (1996) Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, Petrie and Ducky resurface in an enchanting all-new musical story about the wonders of discovery.When heavy rains create a mysterious "new water", Littlefoot sets off to explore the Great Valley. He quickly becomes friends with Mo, a prank-playing dolphin-like creature who can't fin
Title: Land Before Time Collection, The
Format: DVD
Release Date: 28 Oct 2009
Actor(s): Animated
Sku: 2134089
Catalogue No: 8273531
Category: Animated
Disc Count: 6
OFLC Rating: G
Run Time: 380
Video Format: PAL
Region Code: 4
OFLC Advice: To Be Confirmed
Genre: Children & Family,