Set in 1960s Baltimore, the story follows a plump young girl named Tracy Turnblad (Nikki Blonski, in her acting debut) on an amazing journey as her dream of dancing on the popular Corny Collins Show becomes a reality. The local television program is a shiny spectacle spear-headed by Corny Collins (James Marsden), a group of young dancers, and producer Velma Von Tussle (Michelle Pfeiffer), a seductress ice-queen whose manipulative ways ensure her daughter Amber (Brittany Snow) gets more than her fair share of screen time as one of the show's stars.When Tracy shows up at an open call, Velma can barely contain her rage, and sets out to rid the show of Tracy and the talented black dancers who make up the show's popular "Negro Day." Thus begins a war of talent and a battle for justice, with those in favour of integration meeting many obstacles along the way.Boasting an all-star line-up including John Travolta in a side-splittingly hilarious role as Tracy's mother, Edna Turnblad, Christopher Walken as Tracy's father, Queen Latifah as Motormouth Maybelle, and Hollywood hunk of the moment, Zac Efron as the dancing, singing boy of Tracy's dreams, Link Larkin.Hairspray is the bright, bubbly, toe-tapping DVD of the year!
Title: Hairspray (2007): 2 Disc Shake & Shimmy Edition
Format: DVD
Release Date: 11 Jan 2008
Actor(s): John Travolta
Sku: 2103190
Catalogue No: R-107990-9
Category: Musical
Disc Count: 2
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
OFLC Rating: PG
Run Time: 116
Transfer Format: Widescreen
Video Format: PAL
Primary Audio: Dolby Digital 7.1
Language: English,
Region Code: 4
OFLC Advice: Mild Sexual References, Infrequent Mild Coarse Language
Director(s): Adam Shankman
Genre: Music & Musicals, Dance, Feature Movie
Reversible O-Ring Packaging
Sing Along with the movie using the Lyric Track
Step-By-Step Dance Instructions
5 Deleted Scenes including Tracy's never seen before musical number
"You Can't Stop The Beat" Documentary
"Hairspray Extensions" - Breaking Down the Dance Scenes
"The Roots Of Hairspray" - From Buddy Deane to Broadway
And Much More!
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